MosiGuard - Legal Information
Naturally Better than the Alternatives

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Legal Information
This web site and the data contained in it are supplied solely for informational use. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced or reused for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission of Mosi-guard Australia. This site and any publication contained within are copyright © 2007 - 2019 Mosi-guard Australia.

All brand names and companies referenced throughout this website are trademarks of their respective owners. No copyright infringements are intended.

This web site contains information provided by Mosi-guard Australia and third parties. There may be technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or programming bugs in this web site or its contents. Mosi-guard Australia and it's contractors make no representations about the accuracy or suitability of the information or links provided on this web site. The information is provided 'as is' without express or implied warranty. You use the information and links at your own risk. Mosi-guard Australia takes no responsibility for the content of Internet sites that are linked from this site.

Except as set out below,

Mosi-guard Australia and their contractors exclude all:

(a) warranties whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, relating in any way to this web site or your use of this web site; and

(b) liability (including for negligence) to you or anyone else in respect of any loss or damage (including special, indirect or consequential loss or damage such as loss of revenue, unavailability of systems or loss of data) arising from or in connection with any use of the information on or access through this web site for any reason whatsoever (including negligence).

Where any statute implies any term into your use of or any arrangement arising out of the accessing of this web site and that statute prohibits exclusion of that term, then that term is included. If and to the extent permitted by the statute, however, Mosi-guard Australia and it's contractors' liability for any breach of such term is limited to the re-supply of services.

Privacy Policy
Mosi-guard Australia will not collect or monitor any personal information about you without your consent. Only the information you provide Mosi-guard Australia with directly will be collected, such as through purchasing our products and/or services, or identifying yourself when requesting information to be sent to you.

Mosi-guard Australia will not use or disclose any information about you without your explicit consent, unless required by law. Mosi-guard Australia and its affiliates recognise the trust you place in our company when you give us personal information.


Naturally Better than the Alternatives
Email us
P.O. Box 905,
Balgowlah 2093 Australia